Dyslexia guidelines for students


We expect students to have a formal diagnosis to be eligible to use the sticker scheme, which continues to be available to HE students only.

A dyslexia sticker alerts the tutor(s) marking your assignment to your dyslexia support needs. Tutors are encouraged to mark assessments which have a sticker attached sympathetically, by disregarding dyslexic attributes, such as errors of spelling, grammar and language, where possible.

A UHI dyslexia sticker can only be downloaded if your entitlement to do so has been agreed between you and support services staff at your home academic partner. Eligible students can choose to download a dyslexia sticker independently via UHI Records. Eligible students can also liaise with academic partner support services staff to download the appropriate sticker.


If you think you might benefit from using the sticker system, you should discuss your support needs with support services staff at your home academic partner in the first instance:

Dyslexia assessment flowchart


Do I need a dyslexia sticker?

  • The sticker system is not suitable for everybody with a formal diagnosis of dyslexia and support services staff will work with you to negotiate the most appropriate support plan for you
  • No decision will be made without your agreement, and you must agree to each of your lecturers being informed of your dyslexia support needs, before you can use the sticker system

I no longer need a dyslexia sticker

  • We want all of our students to become as independent as possible as their studies progress and we aim to introduce you to proofing tools you can continue to use in your life beyond university
  • As you develop coping strategies, refine your study skills and become a more experienced user of assistive technologies, you may find there is no longer a need to add a dyslexia sticker to every submission
  • However, the sticker will remain an option for all eligible students throughout their course, as long as this arrangement is renewed annually by your support adviser as part of your agreed Personal Learning Support Plan (PLSP)

When do I use a dyslexia sticker?

  • Your PLSP will outline the specific circumstances in which you can use the sticker system, along with other support arrangements
  • You will also work with staff to regularly review your support plan, to ensure the use of the sticker system continues to be appropriate for you

I want to provide feedback

  • Existing users of the dyslexia sticker scheme can use the Red Button to provide feedback
How to make a dyslexia sticker content

How to make a dyslexia sticker

The eligible student is encouraged to copy the data from their sticker and insert it into the front page of their assessment. This is recommended for all submissions, including those made electronically (e.g. via Turnitin) to ensure the dyslexia sticker is clearly visible to academic staff.

This short video explains how the eligible student can download a UHI dyslexia sticker, and how to copy the data into the front page of their assessment.

The sticker system does not compensate for errors in knowledge, etc., which will be penalised as normal. Any student who cannot fulfil the core requirements of their course, despite using reasonable adjustments, such as a dyslexia sticker, will be unable to complete their course successfully.

Staff Guidance content

Staff Guidance

Staff Guidance

  • Read the full version of our Dyslexia guidance for academic staff. Academic staff are recommended to refer to the student’s PLSP Summary of Support for details of agreed support. PLSP Summaries of Support are generally accessible to relevant staff in UHI Records (Staff Hub > Student support).