Professor Stefan Brink of the Institute for Northern Studies recognised for his work

Professor Stefan Brink has been presented with a Festschrift written in his honour

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Stefan's Festschrift

This new book, entitled, Making the Profane Sacred in the Viking Age, and published by Brepols, contains contributions by a number of world-leading scholars of a range of disciplines, such as archaeology, history and onomastics, and provides new insights into the construction of the sacred in Old Norse culture and society.  The editors have dedicated this book to Stefan Brink as ‘an outstanding figure in the study of early Scandinavian language, society, and culture’, and the chapters take as their inspiration ‘the diversity, interdisciplinarity and vitality of his own research in order to make a major new contribution to the field of Old Norse studies’. The book was presented to Stefan via a surprise zoom meeting, organised with the help of his family, and with participants from across the world.