Press Coverage of the Gaelic Crisis Study

Selection of press clippings content

Selection of press clippings


Various aspects of the Gaelic crisis study were covered in the fortnight following publication as news stories in BBC Alba and Radio nan Gàidheal news programmes (An Là, Aithris na Maidne, Aithris an Fheasgair), and online in various languages. Examples below:

"10 bliadhna air fhàgail de Ghàidhlig sa choimhearsnachd"

A’ Ghàidhlig sa choimhearsnachd

Àrd-choinneamh ga h-iarraidh mun Ghàidhlig

Gaelic language in ‘crisis’ in island heartlands

'Os chi’n clywed drwy’r amser bod eich iaith yn marw pam fydde chi’n ei dysgu?'

Various other regional, Scottish, UK-wide and international news organisations have also covered the story with reports and opinion pieces. Examples below:

West Highland Free Press:

Conrad agus Am Magic Roundabout: le cridhe agus spiorad slàn

The Herald:

We must act or Gaelic risks becoming a dead language

The big read: From Gaelic-only housing to second homes, the fight to save a language

The Guardian:

Scots Gaelic could die within a decade, study finds

‘More of the same will give you more of the same crisis’ – rabhadh tugtha faoi bhás Ghaeilge na hAlban


Scotland’s Gaelic language could die out in 10 years, says study

RTBF Belgian National Broadcaster:

Il faut sauver le Gaélique écossais