Brightspace: I wish that I knew then what I know now

This webinar welcomed Sue Folley and Andrew Raistrick from the University of Huddersfield to explore their experiences of implementing Brightspace, six months after their go live date.

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This webinar welcomed Sue Folley and Andrew Raistrick from the University of Huddersfield to explore their experiences of implementing Brightspace, six months after their go live date. They gave an overview of their transition to Brightspace, including how they migrated content from their previous learning environment before sharing valuable lessons learned.

Sue Folley

Sue Folley, University of Huddersfield

Sue is an Academic Developer based at the University of Huddersfield, UK, with a remit to support the pedagogic development of staff in the use of digital technologies. Her role involves both training staff and contributing to the University’s strategic developments in this area. She has a PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) and has previously taught mathematics in the Further Education sector, but has worked in Higher Education for the last 18 years. She has a master’s degree in Multimedia and eLearning and has completed a doctorate in Education focussing on tutors’ experiences of teaching online. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and the University’s representative on Helf (Heads of eLearning forum). Sue’s research interests include online teaching and learning, digital literacy, student dashboards and curriculum development.

Andy Raistrick

Andy has worked in learning technologies for 10 years after spending the early part of his career working in the commercial sector providing consultancy and project management to various blue-chip organisations.  He has been instrumental in the increased adoption of learning technologies at the University of Huddersfield, contributing to the development and delivery of a range of staff development courses and promoting the use of technology to enhance pedagogical practice across the institution. His technical background, coupled with project management skills and understanding of pedagogy, allows him to communicate effectively with technical, administrative and academic staff. In 2017, he undertook a project to analyse the learning technology business requirements of the university, and subsequently project-managed the procurement and implementation of their new VLE, Brightspace.  Andy has a master’s degree in Multimedia and eLearning and is a Certified Member of the Association of Learning Technology.


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