Teaching from home - self-assessment checklist

  1. Have you registered for the Password reset self-service?
  2. Have you set up your Multi-factor authentication options? Note: you will not be able to use UHI systems from home without doing this.
  3. Have you checked your broadband speed? Use the speedcheck test at the bottom of the Buying your own device page.
  4. Have you checked your equipment meets the university’s recommended minimum computer specifications (see the Buying your own device page)
  5. Have all staff been reminded that when working from home, they need to lock their computer if it is left unattended? (Press the Windows key and the L key on the keyboard).
  6. Have you reviewed your LibGuides? Are there other online resources if your core texts and other required materials are not available online? If you need help, please contact the Electronic Resources Manager (Elizabeth.McHugh@uhi.ac.uk).
  7. Do you have a headset and webcam?
  8. Do you have a safe and secure working environment at home?
  9. Are there any essential documents you will need? Can you prepare an emergency pack to put online in Brightspace or Mahara? Note: Remember to hide new folders in Brightspace, or students will see these files.
  10. Does every module that uses the VLE to teach meet the VLE checklist minimum requirements?
  11. Have you added details of IT and student support to each unit/module in the VLE? 'Please contact us via the UniDesk Self Service Portal​​ in the first instance, unless your call is critical. In which case call 01463 279150 from an outside line.  You can also use Live Chat.
  12. Staff and students may not want to use webcams in their homes. To avoid speaking to blank screens or anonymous silhouettes, have you uploaded your picture and consided asking your students to upload their picture to any platform used for synchronous communications? Brightspace: click your name (top right), click Profile, upload your picture.
  13. Do all students have access to the internet (minimum 2MB upload and download) and suitable devices to access teaching and support from home?  They can check using the Broadband speedtest.
  14. Do all students know how to access: Brightspace? Online library resources?
  15. Consider setting up email communication arrangements if appropriate for students with additional support requirements/PLSPs.
  16. Brightspace Pulse is an app for handheld devices (Android and iOS) that can help you to stay informed about the content in your units or modules. Pulse is a notification centre and planning tool and connects seamlessly with Brightspace itself see the EDU’s Pulse app student guide.