LTA Connect: Archipelago of Adventure: Challenges and Opportunities in Cultural Tourism Development in the South Pacific

Presented by Professor Donna Heddle and Dr Alexandra Sanmark, this webinar will present the findings of an LTA Scholarship project into the creation of a multimedia based qualification in tourism for delivery within an archipelago in the South Pacific.

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Session Outline

This webinar reports on the findings of an LTA Scholarship addressing the following questions:

  • What are the main limitations and constraints (linguistic, cultural, technological) in creating a multimedia based qualification for delivery at a range of sites across an archipelago in the South Pacific?
  • What are the effects of such a qualification on the cultural community?

Professor Heddle and Dr Sanmark will talk about their recent work to deliver a recognised tourism qualification within the archipelago of Vanuatu, and the outcomes of their subsequent research to investigate how communities can use their cultural heritage to support and contribute to UN development goals relating to the fields of health and well-being, education, gender equality, sustainable communities, strong institutions and sustainable life below water and on land. Building on theories of heritage management for sustainability in at risk island communities, this webinar will be of interest to colleagues delivering online teaching, and with a focus on dispersed rural communities.


Professor Donna Heddle

Donna is Director of the UHI Institute for Northern Studies. She has won awards for course development and design. Her research interests are Scottish and Northern Isles cultural history, Renaissance language and literature, and cultural tourism. She has led and is currently leading several national and international research and training projects involving cultural tourism, including a project in Vanuatu. Donna led the very successful Research Excellence Framework 2014 submission from UHI in Area Studies, which was placed first in Scotland for research impact (particularly in tourism) and 5th equal with the University of Oxford for research environment for the whole UK. She was awarded a Personal Chair by UHI in June 2013 and became Chair of the UHI Tourism Group in August 2017.

Dr Alexandra Sanmark

Alexandra undertook her undergraduate and postgraduate training at the University of London and obtained her PhD on the Christianisation of Scandinavia from University College London. She was then employed in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Uppsala, where she was Programme Leader for the MA programme Viking and Early Medieval Scandinavia. After two years as Research Fellow at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, she started working for the University in 2009, first in Orkney and currently in Perth.


Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy Value

Learning for employment

The UK Professional Standards Framework

By applying the learning from attending this webinar to professional practice, it could support evidence in the following areas of the UK Professional Standards Framework for those seeking Higher Education Academy (HEA) Recognition.

A2 Teach and/or support learning

To Book

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