Mentoring: The University Mentoring Scheme Residential

This two day residential in Inverness will support and develop mentoring skills through hands on workshops with external and internal facilitators.

[ When


o Where

An Lochran Learning Lab
10 Inverness Campus

8 Remote access

As this is a residential with hands-on workshops, remote access is not available.

£ Cost


É Contact

Alex Walker
tel: 01463 279486

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The Annual University Mentoring Scheme Residential


This two day residential in Inverness will support and develop mentoring skills through hands on workshops with external and internal facilitators. Open to mentors already registered on the University Mentoring Scheme and those aspiring to mentor on the University Mentoring Scheme.

Accommodation costs will be covered and a contribution to travel (up to £100) for those travelling from outside the Inverness area will be available.

Keynote Presenter

Kay Guccione

Dr Kay Guccione is a specialist in the design of mentoring and coaching programmes for academic development. She is a Principal Fellow of the HEA and a National Teaching Fellow, recognised for her work in developing cultures of good mentoring practice and for integrating a coaching skill-set into the academic repertoire. She has published articles on trust and PhD supervision, concepts of ‘value’ in the doctorate, and on the experiences of early career academics who succeed in gaining fellowship funding. Her book, Taking Control of your Thesis: a guide to get you to the end, is based in her experience of leading a Thesis Mentoring programme supporting over 700 doctoral thesis writers. Her blog,, is dedicated to discussing good practice in doctoral supervision and tutoring. Kay is joining Glasgow Caledonian University as a Senior Lecturer in Academic Development from July 2019.

Testimonials from 2018

"I am back in the office to say how useful I felt the Mentoring workshop to be. The combinations of the topic(s), people, and setting worked really well, so thank you all"

"Thanks again for the residential, it was informative, inspiring and also very practical – it doesn’t get better than that"

"I wanted to write and thank you all so much for such an informative and reflective programme. I really enjoyed everything about the mentoring residential. The networking links, the commonalities and of course the practical workshops have all been so helpful to me. I already have future plans – based on the two days, both pedagogically and professionally. Great stuff!"



To Book

To register your interest in a your place now please email

More Information

The University Mentoring Scheme

Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy Values

Reflective practice and continuous improvementSupporting professional development in learning and teaching

UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)

A3. Teach and/or support learning

A4. Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance

A5. Engage in continuing professional development in subjects/disciplines and their pedagogy, incorporating research, scholarship and the evaluation of professional practices

K4. The use and value of appropriate learning technologies

V1. Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities

V2. Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners

V3. Use evidence informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development

V4. Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice


We want to make this a positive experience for all participants and hope we have met everyone’s needs in joining this event. If you have particular access needs please contact us at so we can work together to get you as good an experience as we can.


Please read our policy on how we treat any personal information collected in relation to our events:
Data Protection Statement for Events