Scientific Advisory Board


The Scientific Advisory Board provides scientific guidance to the project

The role of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is to provide the MERIKA project team with independent, impartial scientific advice on an ongoing basis. The SAB should be regularly briefed of the progress of MERIKA and its associated activities. The SAB may provide feedback and ideas to accelerate the development of MERIKA and inform its strategic direction. This may include providing suggestions on knowledge transfer and dissemination, mobility and networking, and on the scope and choice of research topics being pursued in the context of latest developments and opportunities worldwide (including Horizon 2020).

The board has met in January 2015, November 2015 and November 2016.

The scientific presentations that took place during those meetings are available here:

Presentations - November 2015

Consolidated presentation from MERIKA scientists Dr Phililp Gillibrand, Dr Jennifer Loxton, Arne Vögler, Denise Risch and Dr Marcello Graziano.

Presentations - November 2016

Numerical Simulations of the Effects of a Tidal Turbine Array on Near-bed Veloc, Dr Philip Gillibrand

Effects of flow and sediments on sessile marine inverterbrates in the light of , Dr Marie-Lise Schläppy

MERIKA Activities at SAMS - Environmental, social, economic and cultural aspect, Dr Simone Martino

Spatial distribution of waves in coastal waters, James Morrison and Arne Vögler.