Energy and Natural Resources

Energy Research & Innovation
The university is uniquely placed to make an important contribution to global research into new energy sources. Located in an environment that boasts internationally important landscapes and seascapes, and can be considered the primary European geography for renewable energy developments. The university has world-class facilities and multi-disciplinary research teams who are focusing on, and providing solutions to, the big energy challenges of our time. Our research teams have a special depth of understanding of the key issues surrounding the interface between energy generation and natural environments; be they marine, coastal or terrestrial. Read more about our energy activities
Agronomy Institute
The Agronomy Institute at UHI Orkney provides a research facility for the development of plants and plant-based products, focusing particularly on the Highlands, Western Isles and Northern Isles. The institute has a wide portfolio of research covering: cereals; biomass for fuel crops; plants for high value extracts; fruits and berries; and biodiversity.
We have an impressive track-record of collaboration with commercial companies which includes distilleries, bakeries, watermills, breweries, a wine company, pharmaceutical and natural products companies, a housing association and a seed company. As a result of commercialisation activities with several of these companies, the Institute also has experience of developing and managing supply chains.

Fisheries research
UHI Shetland is conducting research in fisheries science to contribute to the assessment, management and sustainable harvesting of important marine species, commercially important finfish and shellfish species. Marine Planning, Policy and Advice Section is relevant to how resources are utilised within regulatory frameworks and environmental impacts. UHI Shetland is the site and lead partner in the collaborative, a project testing the commercial viability of a mussel hatchery in Scotland.

Aquaculture; sustainability, welfare, environment and stock improvement
With research centres across the North and West coasts of Scotland, we are at the centre of the aquaculture industry with facilities and expertise directly on the water’s edge, enabling us to be very responsive to the needs of industry. We undertake interdisciplinary research covering stock health and welfare, sustainable aquafeeds, environment-aquaculture interface, stock improvement and management, socio-economic linkages and diversification of aquaculture practices.