Renaissance and Early Modern (REMRA)


Dr Kathrin Zickermann, Professor David Worthington, Dr Lucy Dean

two figures in a 19th century engraving

The Renaissance and Early Modern Research Alliance (REMRA) promotes co-operation and cross-disciplinary research across the various centres and institutes of the University of the Highlands and Islands. The group is convened by Dr Kathrin Zickermann (UHI Centre for History) and consists of c.20 members of staff (including visiting professors and research fellows) who are research active in the Renaissance and early modern period (c.1560 – 1750). REMRA holds regular meetings and informal coffee breaks. It is envisaged to grow organically, supporting an active research culture and assisting with joined funding applications. The group will host two or three annual events including virtual roundtables and in-person workshops to promote its work within UHI and to the wider academic community.