Gregor Howitt Wealth Management


This resource features a Q&A session with a prominent wealth management organisation, to provide an overview of the types of skills and qualities sought after by the sector, whilst also exploring the career journeys of the owner of the company, and one of their wealth managers.

Man sitting at a desk using a laptop

Target audience content

Target audience

Target audience

This resource is aimed at students interested in a future in finance, wealth management or business operations, and those who would like to undergo further specialist training after completion of their qualification at the University of the Highlands and Islands. More generally, the videos are suitable for those who want some tips on interviews, CVs and self-presentation as part of the job application process.

Resource aims content

Resource aims

Resource aims

The aim of this resource is to help students to identify whether a career in the wealth management sector is something they might like to pursue. It will also help to prompt ideas about how to enhance CVs, applications or interview performance – starting the thinking process about how to build valuable work-related experiences and how to demonstrate skills, experience and abilities that complement the competencies sought after by employers like Gregor Howitt Wealth Management Ltd.

Graduate Attributes content

Graduate Attributes

Graduate Attributes

In reviewing these videos, it is important to keep the university’s graduate attributes in mind: academic skills, communication, self-management, interpersonal skills, and social awareness.